This is a roof area repair I completed in the city of Irvine. The project description for this repair was similar to a tile relay, with a smaller scope focusing only on the tile area below the skylight.
To start, the 2 piece clay tiles are temporarily removed and stacked to access the deteriorated layers below. Pictured here you can see the underlayment below has been worn down from exposure to water.
The smaller evenly spaced out stains you see on the underlayment are from water that trickled in through the nail holes made where the tiles are fastened. These stains develop over time when a roofer has not properly installed the tiles and has laid them in an over exposed manner. In such instances the nail holes are left vulnerable to water. Tile exposure refers to the overlap between each row of tiles.
Towards the center right of the underlayment pictured you can see signs of a larger dried up stain where greater quantities of water have saturated the area. Although now dry, you can still note the differences in texture the water has left behind. It is from this area where the water has seeped into the sheathing layer below.
The flow of these larger volumes of water is the result of improper tile installation at the area where the final row of tiles meet the skylight flashing. It is in these type of edges where the largest gaps in a roofing system are typically found.
To fix the leak, I tore off and replaced the deteriorated sheathing and underlayment in the area and replaced it with new. Most importantly, I reinstalled the existing 2 piece clay tile in tighter courses. This addressed the problem of over exposure and made the area more secure by reducing the risk of gaps or leaks. You can note this difference by comparing the tiles I laid out in the area repair to those that were previously set out by another roofer in the area outside it.
At the edge of the skylight, I secured the area by using a colored cement that matched the roof color. This was the finishing touch in securing the area from any further leaks. It seals the larger gaps found at the edges where different areas meet while also providing a seamless finish
Contact us at Alas & Bravo Roofing Company to learn more about clay tile roof repairs..